Monday, April 21, 2014

Season 1 Episode 7 - Nixels

S1E7: Nixels
 First Air DateMarch 11, 2014
Featured MixelsFlain, Seismo
Nixels is the seventh episode of Mixels. It was first aired on March 11, 2014. In the episode, Flain wants Seismo to go down the Lava Slide with him, but then the Nixels start annoying them.


Sunday, April 20, 2014

Season 1 Episode 6 - Electrorock

S1E6: Electrorock
 First Air DateMarch 4, 2014
Featured MixelsTelso, Zaptor, Volectro, Krader, Seismo, Shuff
Electrorock is the sixth episode of Mixels. It was first aired on March 4, 2014. In the episode, Telso, Zaptor, and Volectro capture Krader and to get Krader back, Seismo and Shuff hold an Electron Dance Party where whoever tribe wins gets to keep Krader.
